Chair Sharkoon Elbrus 3 Gaming Seat Black/Blue

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  • Especially Comfortable Padding
  • Designed Entirely for the User
  • Adjustable Comfort Features
  • Certified to up to 150 Kg Weight Limit

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Especially Comfortable Padding. The ELBRUS 3 is furnished with a synthetic leather cover and a particularly soft padding which can adapt to the body shape of the user. This and the raised sides of the seat base create a feeling of surrounding comfort. The seat base is especially shaped so that maximum legroom is guaranteed, no matter how tense the gaming session gets.

Designed Entirely for the User. Whether the backrest or the seat height or the armrests, the ELBRUS 3 can be fully adjusted to the ergonomic needs of the user for a comfortable and relaxing sitting position. The armrests can be adjusted with little effort in three ways: for the desired length and height and also at a horizontal angle.

Adjustable Comfort Features. The backrest of the ELBRUS 3 can be locked at an angle from 90 ° to 160 ° for maximum comfort during extended breaks. An extra-large adjustment handle on one side allows the backrest to be conveniently adjusted with minimum effort. Those who prefer things to be more active can use the conventional tilt function, which provides a pleasant rocking motion. With another lever on the bottom of the seat base, this can be easily locked or unlocked.

Full Movement. The ELBRUS 3 is outfitted with 60 mm wheels, which are specially designed for interior floors and ensure full mobility on flat surfaces.

Certified to up to 150 Kg Weight Limit. The sturdy five-star base, the stable steel frame construction as well as the class-4 gas lift piston all provide the ELBRUS 3 with a high degree of stability. The gaming chair is designed for a maximum load of up to 150 kg and is ideal for users with a body height up to 190 cm

Weight22.5 kg
Dimensions91 × 69 × 40 cm



Computer Chairs, Gaming Chairs


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